crocheting a touque with cat ears
i have finally started to make my own clothing
after learning the basic stitches involved in crocheting, all i wanted to crochet were turtles. finally, i decided to branch outside of my chelonian comfort zone and make a hat that would go with my style & regular clothing colour palette.
this pdf describes the pattern which i used to make my hat:
i used a super bulky dark green yarn with a nine millimetre aluminum hook. my hat has an alternating ribbing pattern of one stitch then three stitches wide; i alternated crocheting in back loops only thrice & front loops only thrice.
here is the hat sitting next to a sample outfit:
the overshirt & cargoes are from levis, the shirt is from hot topic, and the bag was bought at a comic con. i made the jewelry (and the hat, obviously).
in the spirit of being obsessed with nirvana, i tucked a sprig of baby's breath into the brim of my hat. if you don't get the reference, kurt sings about baby's breath in heart-shaped box. that song is the third on in utero, whose cover art is printed on my shirt.